Reporting progress of activities, milestones, and deliverables

The current timing and progress of activities, milestones, and deliverables is displayed as a completion bar (with % and status) at various places, wherever activities, milestones, and deliverables are shown, e.g.:

The progress of activities, milestones, and deliverables is reported as status updates entries in the "Updates" tab in the activity's, milestone's, or deliverable's sidebar:


Follow the instructions below on how to report a status update on activities, milestones, and deliverables.


Click Workplan in Home menu, this will open the "Workplan" section. 


Click on the activity/milestone/deliverable that you would like to report on or click on its "Edit" icon. 


A sidebar for this activity/milestone/deliverable will appear, select the "Updates" tab. 


Click  +Add Update at the bottom of the sidebar. 

Tip: To report an update, you can also use the quick action menu of an activity, milestone, or deliverable in the Table view or move the respective card in the Kanban view.


The "Update" sidebar will appear, where you can provide the details about the status and current progress of the activity, milestone, or deliverable:

  • Completion (%): Enter the completion in % (can also be set with the slider)
  • Reporting Date: Set the reporting date (if you see the message Reporting deactivated until 01.04.21, then reporting of status updates before this date has been disabled)
  • Status: Set the status (the statuses are provided by the project template that you selected during the project creation, but you can customise them in the Customization settings)
  • Priority: Set the current priority ("Normal" priority is the default)
  • Description (optional): Enter a short update description 
  • Actual Start: Set the actual or forecast start date of the activity (only available for activities)
  • Actual Duration: Set the actual or forecast duration (only available for activities)
  • Due Date: Set the actual or forecast due date of the milestones or deliverable (only available for milestones and deliverables)

Click Save Update at the bottom of the sidebar.

The new status update is shown in the "Updates" tab in the sidebar as the newest one at the top, descending order:

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