Manage workspace plan versions

Note: Only the Admin or Manager level users can create, manage, and activate versions. Users can change the displayed version for themselves in their current session.

With "Versions" you can create, manage, and store multiple versions of your workspace plan. Click here to read more about plan versions.

To manage versions, select "Settings" in Home menu and then click "Versions". You will see a list of available versions in chronological order, starting with the most recent.

  • Draft: Version is in draft mode and not active as the current baseline for execution and reporting.
  • Active: Version is active as the current baseline for execution and reporting.
  • Idle: Version is in idle mode and not active as the current baseline for execution and reporting.

Note: You will see at least one version (that was created during the setup process of a new workspace).

Please follow the instructions below to:

Create a new version


Click "Settings" in Home menu and then click "Versions". You will see a list of available versions.


Click "Add New Version" at the bottom of the page.

Note: As only the last version is editable, make sure you do not longer want to edit the current version. Deleting the new version will allow you to edit the current version again.

The new version, a direct copy of the latest one, is in draft mode and not active as the baseline until marked as "active". It is displayed only for you, not for other users, until marked as "active".

View and edit a version


Click "Settings" in Home menu and then click "Versions". You will see a list of available versions.


Make sure the latest version is "Selected". Otherwise, click the "View" button at the latest version to select the version for display.

  • You can only edit the last version. If you want to edit an earlier version, you must delete all earlier versions up to the version that you want to edit.
  • To enable/disable other users rather than the Admin or Manager levels to edit the version, turn on/off the "All Users" toggle. To unlock/lock the version to prevent any further editing, switch the "Edit" toggle on/off.

Click on the new version in the versions list to unlock it for editing. Once unlocked, the new version and all of its data is displayed for you in all areas of EMDESK and can be edited, with changes being saved back to the new version. To switch back to the Active Plan, go to the "Versions" list and click on the "Active Plan". To activate the new version for reporting and implementation, click the green "Activate" button.

Activate version as new baseline


Click "Settings" in Home menu and then click "Versions". You will see a list of available versions.


Click the green "Activate Plan" button at the relevant version you want to activate as the new baseline version. 

Note: The activated version is shown to users by default.

Delete version


Click "Settings" in Home menu and then click "Versions". You will see a list of available versions.


Click the "X" icon at the relevant version you want to delete.

Note: You can only delete the most recent version. To delete an earlier version, you must delete all versions before it.
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