
The sidebar is the central panel used to create, update and manage workspace items. 

You can open any item in the sidebar by clicking it once or by clicking its "Edit" icon. 

Click the "X" button at the top left of the sidebar to close this panel without saving. If you made changes without saving, a dialog window will ask you to confirm if you want to withdraw your changes.

A sidebar consists of: 

  • Tabs: At the top of the sidebar. There are different tabs depending on the type of the item.
  • Header: Below the tabs. Shows the item's location indicating it's ID, as well as the item's name in blue.
  • Main area: Below the header you will find various properties of the item. The properties shown depend on the type of the item.
  • Actions button: At the bottom. There are different buttons depending on the action required.

Note: All actions and changes made using the sidebar must be submitted by clicking the action button at the bottom. 

Sidebar navigation

Each and every workspace item has a tab menu (options depend on the type of the item) and action menu. Clicking the action menu reveals a dropdown list of options that depend on the type and state of the item.

You will also find here the lock / unlock toggle, as well as mark / unmark as favourite and follow / unfollow an item icons. 

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