Create and edit personnel cost rates

Personnel cost rates (labour or staff cost rates) are managed at each participant in the "Participants" section. For a participant you can create as many personnel cost rates as needed.

Rates can be average personnel cost rates for budgeting or actual work level / person-specific rates (e.g. "Project Manager Rate" or "Salary of Mark Johansen"). 

Note: To create or manage personnel cost rates, you must have at least Edit access rights to the participant and the current plan version must be in the Edit mode (see "Roles, access levels, and access rights" and "Manage workspace plan versions").

Tip: If you have already a list of personnel cost rates, you can import them into your EMDESK workspace.

Creating personnel cost rates


Click Participants in Home menu, this will open the "Participants" section.


Click on the participant which personnel cost rates you would like to create or click on its "Edit" icon.


A sidebar for this participant will appear, select the "Financial Profile" tab.  


Click  +Add Personnel Cost Rate at the bottom of the sidebar. 


A further sidebar appears where you can create the personnel cost rate:

  • Personnel Cost Rate: Click the blue placeholder and type in the rate.
  • Name: Type a name, e.g. "PostDoc Student Salary" or "Mark Johanson".
  • Unit: Define the unit, choose between Person Month, Person Day, or Person Hour.
  • Description (optional): Type a description .
  • Hours a day and Days a month: Set the work hours a day and work days a month. The annual and monthly productive hours are instantly displayed.
  • Enable for Budgeting: Switch on the toggle, when the personnel cost rate should be applied for budget items.
  • Enable for Expenses: Switch on the toggle, when the personnel cost rate should be applied for expense entries.
  • Valid from and Valid until (optional): Set the period during which the personnel cost rate should be applied for budget items and expense entries.

Click  Save Cost Rate in the bottom right corner.

  • You can hide the participant's personnel cost rates from other users by enabling the "Hide personnel cost rate" toggle. When the toggle is ON, the personnel cost rate will no longer be visible to users with Read access rights. To turn the toggle ON/OFF, you must have at least Edit access rights to the participant (see "Roles, access levels, and access rights").

  • You can create a preselected cost rate by choosing a default option. You can make a personnel cost rate as your default by clicking the star next to the personnel:

Updating existing personnel cost rates 


Similarly to creating personnel cost rates, you must first go to the "Participants" section and click on a participant that you would like to edit to pull up the sidebar. Then click on the "Financial Profile" tab.


Hover over the personnel cost rate that you wish to edit and click on the "Edit" icon.  


The personnel cost rate opens in a separate sidebar, where you can make the necessary adjustments: 

  • Personnel Cost Rate: Click the current rate in blue and update the rate.
  • Name: Update the name, e.g. "PostDoc Student Salary" or "Mark Johanson".  
  • Unit: Change the unit, choose between Person Month, Person Day, or Person Hour.
  • Description (optional): Update the description.
  • Hours a day and Days a month: Update the work hours a day and work days a month.
  • Enable for Budgeting: Switch on the toggle, when the personnel cost rate should be applied for budget items.
  • Enable for Expenses: Switch on the toggle, when the personnel cost rate should be applied for expense entries.
  • Valid from and Valid until (optional): Update the period during which the personnel cost rate should be applied for budget items and expense entries.

Click Save Cost Rate in the bottom right corner.

Tip: If you have changed the rate itself that has already been used to create budget or expenses, you will receive a message listing the affected entries with the option to update either the each entries' costs or effort of labour based on the new rate settings. Hover over an affected entry and click the "Edit" icon to open and update the entry in the sidebar:

Note: Read further how to duplicate and delete personnel cost rates, as well as how to set and edit indirect cost rates.

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