Conversations / Messaging


  • To start a conversation on a workspace item, you must have at least Read access rights to this item (see "Roles, access levels and access rights").
  • When someone leaves a message on a workspace item, all followers of this item, as well as everyone that has been @mentioned in the message, will be notified about it per email and an in-app notification.

The "Conversations" tab is located at the top of an item's sidebar. It allows users to make and read messages on workspace items. Messages appear in a chronological order with the newest at the bottom. In addition, all messages are shown in a chronological order in the "Dashboard" section in the "Cockpit" tab.

Messaging is available for the following types of workspace items:

  • Activities
  • Events
  • Participants
  • Budget entries
  • Expenses records
  • EMDocs per section 

Follow the instructions below on how to leave a message on a workspace item.


Click on a workspace item that you would like to discuss or click on its "Edit" icon, this will open a sidebar for the item. 


In the sidebar, go to the "Conversations" tab.

In an EMDoc, click the "Message" icon on the right side of the document, this will open the EMDocs section in a sidebar in the "Conversations" tab.


Click in the message area and type your message:

  • Tag/refer to other workspace items with @mention: Click the "@" icon or simply type in the "@" symbol and write the name of the user, group or any workspace item to refer to it, e.g. @Larry Davis, @Steering Group, @WP1, @D1.1.

  • Tip: Since users can @mention work items in comments, you can afterwards click these tagged items (marked as blue links) to open them.
  • Attach document(s) to your message: Click the "Document" icon, this will open the "Documents" section in a modal window. Hover over the document and click Select. The selected documents will be listed in the draft of your message. Click X to remove an attachment.
  • Start or schedule a meeting: Click the "Camera icon", this will open the "Start Meeting" panel with attendees already pre-selected (active users in the discussion). Type in a topic of the meeting, update attendees when needed, click Start now to start the meeting now or switch on the "Schedule" toggle to set the date and time for the meeting in the future. To learn about other ways of starting / scheduling a meeting, please read here.

Then click Send message to submit.

After creating a message, for a short time you can revise and delete it.

  • To edit the message, click Edit at the message, update it, and click Save
  • To delete the message, click X at the message.

Note: If the revision time has expired, you must be the Admin or Manager level user in order to edit or delete messages (see "Roles, access levels and access rights").

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