Book timesheets as expenses

With EMDESK, you can approve times recorded by users and book them as personnel expenses into the Expenses section. By booking times, you convert these time records as expenses. This process is also revocable. You can find the time booking option in the timesheets view located in the "Time" tab in the "Resources" section.


Follow the instructions below on how to book a time sheet as expenses. 


Before booking time, make sure users are added as members to participants (see "Add users to participant members").


Click Time in Home menu, this will open the "Time" section.


Go to the timesheet view, select the timesheet time frame (weekly, monthly, or yearly) and user, then click the "Book time as expense" button.


This will open the booking dialog, listing all users you have access to with their total recorded time on activities in the current time.

  • User: By default the current user is listed. Click Show all available users to book time for multiple users.
  • Tracked time: Total recorded hours of the user for this time sheet. Note that already booked time records are not considered.
  • Cost rate: Choose the cost rate at which the hours will be booked. If you do not want to associate any personnel costs, select 'No rate'.
  • Note: When selecting cost rates, only those that meet the following criteria will be displayed:
    • Linked to participant to whom the user is assigned as a member. ("Add users to participant members")
    • Enabled for expenses and applicable for the time period selected. (see "How to edit personnel cost rate")
    • If the chosen personnel cost rate is applicable only for a portion of the selected time period, then only the hours within that specific timeframe will be booked at this rate. Hours outside this period will need to be booked using a different rate. You can do this after the first booking.
  • Participant: Participant to which the user is assigned as a member.

Click Book time as expense to confirm the booking of the time as expenses. Per user and for each activity listed in the current timesheet, an expense record is generated. This record consolidates the total sum of time logged by the users for that specific activity within the given period. Booked time records are displayed in the timesheet with the "Booked" icon.

Tip: The converted time records appear as expenses in the "Resources" section in the "Expenses" tab. Click on an expense to open the sidebar, go to the "Tracked time" tab and you will get the overview of booked time records that summed up to the expense.

To reverse the booking and unlock the time records again, simply remove the associated expenses in the Expense section. This will unlock the time records for editing and re-booking.

Note: Read further how to record time.

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