Delete budget items


  • You can only access the budget items linked to those activities and participants to which you have at least Read access rights, to delete the budget items you additionally must have Manage access rights to the "Resources" section (see "Roles, access levels, and access rights"). 
  • In addition, the current plan version must be in the Edit mode (read here) and the item must be unfinalised (read here).

Note: As soon as you delete a budget entry, there is no way back to recover it. 

Follow the instructions below on how to delete a budget entry.


Click Resources in Home menu, this will open the "Resources" section.


Go to the "Budget" tab, hover over the budget entry you want to delete, click the action menu on the right, and choose Delete from the dropdown list.

Tip: To delete multiple budget entries, select the checkboxes by each entry, click the action menu at the top left, and choose Delete.


Click Yes in the appeared window. 

You can also delete a budget entry using a sidebar.


Click Resources in Home menu, this will open the "Resources" section.


Go to the "Budget" tab, hover over the budget entry you want to delete and click the "Edit" icon on the right, this will open a sidebar.


In the sidebar, click the action menu at the top right and choose Delete


Click Yes in the appeared window. 

Note: Read here how to create a budget entry.

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