Adding guest users


You are able to grant people outside of your day-to-day project team a secure Read access to all or specified workspace items – projects, activities, participants, documents, and resources by inviting them as guests to your workspace. To allow an efficient collaboration, they will be a part of the workspace contact list and be able to enter comments, take part in discussions, join video calls, access and download documents.

You can invite to a workspace as a guest any person with an email address, regardless of them already owning an EMDESK account or not (if they do not have an EMDESK account, they will be asked to sign up).

Follow the instructions below on how to add guest users to a workspace.


Click Users in Home menu to open the "Users" section.


Go to the "Guests" tab and click  + Invite New Guest at the bottom of the section, this will open the "Invite new guest members" dialogue box.


Type an email address of the person you want to join the workspace as a guest (separate email addresses using comma, semicolon, or space) and click  Invite.

Tip: Many email addresses? You can copy and paste email addresses into the area. Just make sure they are separated using a comma, semicolon, or space.
  • The email invite with the link and personal message will be sent to each of the provided email addresses, the invitees are supposed to join a workspace via this email invitation.
  • The link in the mail invite is valid for 7 days. After this time, or if the user has misplaced the original email, you can resend an invite.

Each invited guest user with its email address is now listed in the "Guests" tab as pending with the "Information" icon until they accept the invitation to join the workspace.


You can already review and manage access rights of the invited guest(s) whilst they are in pending status:

Note: All invited guests are defaulted to Read access rights to all workspace items in all sections: "Projects & Activities", "Participants", "Documents", and "Resources".
  • To restrict access to all items in a section, click the dropdown list at the section and choose Off.

  • To restrict access to specific items in "Projects & Activities", "Participants", and "Documents" sections (not relevant for "Resources"), click Refine at a section where the item to which the guest should have no access is located, set Off at the respective items, and click Save changes.

Tip: You need to set Off access rights at the item level only in the case when the right for some items shall be different from the right at the section level. For example, when a guest has Read access rights at the section level for "Activities" and Off access rights to WP1 and WP7 this means that the guest has Read access to all items in the "Activities" section except for WP1 and WP7 to which the guest has no access.
Note: To convert a guest to a user, click the action menu at the guest's profile and choose Convert to User from the dropdown list:

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