Manage email addresses

  • You can link multiple email addresses with your user account.
  • The email address you use when you register with EMDESK is your primary email address and will be the one you use to login.
  • You can only have one primary email address, but you'll be able to use it to access multiple projects.

Follow the instructions below on how to add, change, or delete an email address.

Add a new email address


Click on your profile image at the top right and then click Profile, this will open the "User Settings" page.


Scroll down to the "Email Addresses" section and click +Add Email Address.


A new row will appear, type in the email address and click the "Save"  icon.


Enter your password to confirm the action.


A verification email will be sent to the email address, the address will be displayed with the status "Verification pending" until it is verified.

Note: If you cannot find the verification email, check your spam/junk folder or use the Resend option here.


Open the verification email and click Activate Email, the new email address is added.

If you have set up multiple email addresses, you can use project profiles to set which email address is to be used for project notifications.

Change a primary email address

Note: System and account messages are always sent to your primary email address.

Click on your profile image at the top right and then click Profile, this will open the "User Settings" page.


Scroll down to the "Email Addresses" section. hover over the new primary email address and click the "Star"  icon.


Enter your password to confirm the action.


A verification email will be sent to the original primary email address.

Note: If you cannot find the verification email, check your spam/junk folder or use the  Resend option here.

Click on the link in the verification email to set the new primary email address. 

Delete an email address


Click on your profile image at the top right and then click Profile, this will open the "User Settings" page.


Scroll down to the "Email Addresses" section, hover over the relevant email address and click the "Delete" icon.

Note: You can not delete your primary email address or email addresses that is linked to one of your profiles.
Tip: If you want to delete a primary email, add a new email address and set it as the primary one. After that you will be able to delete the old primary email address.
Note: Read more about user settings.
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