Customize status workflow

Note: To customize the status workflow, you must be an Admin or a Manager level user (see "Roles, access levels and access rights").

Your project structure incl. status workflow is based on the project template you chose when you created the project using the "Create new Project" form. The template is a set of configurations that are loaded and set up during project creation.

To adjust status workflow, click Customize Status in the Kanban view or go to Settings and then click Customization. Here, scroll down to Activity/Event Status.

Activity/event status are the options available to define the status workflow of progress when posting an update on an activity or event e.g. StartedCompleted or Achieved.

To change the order of the activity/event status, drag and drop the status to the right position.

To create new activity/event status or to update, delete, duplicate an existing activity/event status, follow the instructions below.


To create a new status, click the + Add Status button underneath the list of existing status. Or hover over an existing status and click the "Edit" icon on the right to open the status in the sidebar.


Now, enter or update the status properties:

  • Name: Click the placeholder or existing short at the top and enter/update the name
  • Description: Click into the field and provide a description
  • Color: Click a color you wish to see in the Workplan when an activity reaches this status
  • This status must be reached: Click the toggle to set that this status must be reached to consider the activity or event completed or reached e.g Completed or Achieved. You can define more that one status as the one to be reached.

For existing status you have the option to delete or duplicate them by clicking the action menu at the top right of the sidebar. 


Click Save Update at the bottom of the sidebar to create or update the status.

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