Table settings columns
Here you will find a complete list of table columns for different sections in the alphabetical order:
- Workplan, Table view
- Participants, Table view
- Resources - Budget, Table view
- Resources - Expenses, Table view
All available columns can be removed and reordered as desired in Table Settings for each section.
To change the columns in a table view, drag and drop the columns between "Selected" (currently displayed) and "Available Columns" (currently not displayed) fields. To change their display order, drag these options up or down in the "Selected" field.
Fixed columns are marked with a lock symbol and cannot be removed or reordered.
Workplan – Table view
Activity Type |
Describes the category of the activity. |
Actual Duration | The actual duration of activity takes place in months. |
Actual End | The actual end date of the activity. |
Actual Funding | The actual funding of the activity in the selected currency. |
Actual (PD) | The actual effort spent for the activity in person-day. |
Actual (PH) | The actual effort spent for the activity in person-hour. |
Actual (PM) | The actual effort spent for the activity in person-month. |
Actual Start | The actual start date of the activity. |
Budget | The budget planned for the activity in the selected currency. |
Completion | The percentage complete for the activity. |
Consumption % (PD) | The percentage of actual versus planned person-days. |
Consumption % (PH) | The percentage of actual versus planned person-hours. |
Consumption % (PM) | The percentage of actual versus planned person-months. |
Costs Consumption (%) | The current percentage of cost expenditure from the budget for the activity. |
Delay | The difference between the planned and actual end. |
Description | The description of the activity, deliverable, or milestone. |
Duration | The planned duration of the activity. |
End (date) | The planned date the activity will finish. |
End (month) | The planned month the activity will finish. |
Expenses | The actual costs incurred for the activity, such as personnel, travel, subcontracting, etc. in the selected currency. |
Funding Consumption (%) | The percentage of funding expenditure for the activity. |
Funding Variance | The difference between the planned and actual funding in the selected currency. |
Further Participants | Short names of all further project participants (provided in the "Further participants“ field for the activity/event in a sidebar). |
ID | The identification number, assigned to the activity in Customisation settings, e.g. WP1, Task 1.1. |
Last Update | The date the activity was last edited or modified. |
Last Update Description | The description entered from the latest status update. |
Level | The hierarchical position of the event or activity. |
Lead Participant | The short name of the lead participant. |
Lead Participant 2 | The short name of the second lead participant |
Lead Participant 3 | The short name of the third lead participant. |
Lead Participant Name | The full name of the lead participant. |
Lead Participant Type | The type of the lead participant. |
Modified By | The last user to create/edit the event or activity. |
Name | The title of the event or activity. |
Objectives | Objectives of the activity, deliverable, or milestone. |
Parent Activity | The activity hierarchically above the selected activity. |
Participants Involved | Short names of all lead and other participants. |
Path | The breakdown of the hierarchy of the activity or event. |
Plan Funding | The amount of funding planned for the activity. |
Plan (PD) | The amount of person days planned for the activity. |
Plan (PH) | The amount of person hours planned for the activity. |
Plan (PM) | The amount of person months planned for the activity. |
Predecessor | The activity or event that will take place prior to the selected event or activity. |
Priority | The amount of importance given to the activity or task; Low, Normal, High, Critical. |
Start (date) | The planned date the activity begins. |
Start (month) | The planned month the activity begins. |
Status | The current state of the activity or event. These are customisable, but some examples are: In Planning, Not Started, On Track, In Progress, Requires Input, Paused, Approved. |
Sub-Items | IDs of all sub-elements (of the next level below). |
Tags | Classifications set for the project for the purpose of sorting, grouping, and editing. |
Variance | The difference between the planned and actual cost of the activity in the selected currency. |
Variance (PD) | The difference between the planned and actual person days. |
Variance (PH) | The difference between the planned and actual person hours. |
Variance (PM) | The difference between the planned and actual person months. |
% of Total Budget | The percentage of the total planned by activity. |
% of Total Expenses | The percentage of the total consumed by activity. |
Participants – Table view
Activities |
The activities to which the participant is set as leader according to the Workplan, e.g. WP1, Task 3.6, Project 2. |
Actual Funding | The total actual funding of the participant in the selected currency. |
Actual (PD) | The actual personnel effort in person days spent by the participant. |
Actual (PH) | The actual personnel effort in person hours spent by the participant. |
Actual (PM) | The actual personnel effort in person months spent by the participant. |
Address 1 | The first line of the physical address of the participant. |
Address 2 | The second line of the physical address of the participant. |
Budget | The total budget for the participant in the selected currency. |
Budget Limit | The highest amount of money that can be budgeted for the participant in the selected currency. |
City | The city of the physical address of the participant. |
Costs Consumption (%) | The current percentage of cost expenditure from the budget for the participant. |
Consumption % (PD) | The current percentage of personnel effort spent from the planned for the participant in person days. |
Consumption % (PH) | The current percentage of personnel effort spent from the planned for the participant in person hours. |
Consumption % (PM) | The current percentage of personnel effort from the planned for the participant in person months. |
Country | The country of the physical address of the participant. |
Description | A narrative of the participant and their role in the project. |
Expenses | The total actual costs incurred by the participant as personnel, travel, subcontracting, etc. in the selected currency. |
Fax | The fax number of the participant. |
Funding Consumption (%) | The difference between the plan and actual funding for the participant in the selected currency. |
Funding Variance | The difference between the planned and actual funding for the participant in the selected currency. |
ID | The identification number, assigned to the participant in the Customisation settings, e.g. P1, Dept 3, Team 4.1. |
Inactive | A "yes" or "no" selection of whether the participant is active in the project or not. |
Last Update | The date the participant was last edited or modified. |
Modified By | The last user to create/edit the participant. |
Name | The title of the participant, team, etc. |
Other | The description entered in the "Other" field for the participant in a sidebar. |
Parent | The participant hierarchically above the selected participant. |
Participant Type | The classification of the participant, e.g. SME, Enterprise, NPO, as defined in Customisation settings. |
Phone | The phone number of the participant. |
Plan Funding | The total funding that is planned for the participant in the selected currency. |
Plan (PD) | The personnel effort in person days that is planned for the participant. |
Plan (PH) | The personnel effort in person hours that is planned for the participant. |
Plan (PM) | The personnel effort in person months that is planned for the participant. |
Postal Code | The postal code of the participant’s physical address. |
Rate (PH) | Participant's default personnel cost rate (cost per person hour) in the selected currency. |
Rate (PD) | Participant's default personnel cost rate (cost per person day) in the selected currency. |
Rate (PM) | Participant's default personnel cost rate (cost per person month) in the selected currency. |
Rate (PY) | Participant's default personnel cost rate (cost per person year) in the selected currency. |
Tags | Classifications set for the participant for the purpose of sorting, grouping, and editing. |
Variance | The difference between the budget and actual costs for the participant in the selected currency. |
Variance (PD) | The difference between the plan and actual personnel effort in person days for the participant |
Variance (PH) | The difference between the plan and actual personnel effort in person hours for the participant. |
Variance (PM) | The difference between the plan and actual personnel effort in person months for the participant. |
Website | The website address of the participant. |
% of Total Budget | The percentage of the total planned for participant. |
% of Total Expenses | The percentage of the total consumed by participant. |
Resources > Budget – Table view
Activity |
The activity ID the budget entry is planned for. |
Activity Name | The name of the activity, e.g. Roadmapping Process, the budget entry is planned for. |
Activity Type | The category of the activity, e.g. RIA, RTD, COOR, MGNT, etc, the budget entry is planned for. |
Cost Category | The category of the cost the budget entry is related to, e.g. Personnel, Other, Subcon. |
Cost Class | The type of the cost the budget entry is related to, e.g. Personnel Costs, Other Direct Costs, Sub-contracting. |
Costs | The total costs of the budget entry (direct + indirect costs) in the selected currency. |
Description | Description of the budget entry. |
Direct Costs | The direct costs of the budget entry in the selected currency. |
Duration | Time range in which the budget entry is planned; by default the budget is assumed to be spent evenly over the duration of the linked activity. |
End | The end of the time range for which the budget entry is planned. |
Funding | The calculated amount of funding for the budget entry in the selected currency; derived from the applicable funding rule. |
Funding Rate Direct |
The calculated amount of funding for the direct costs of the budget entry as a percentage; based on the applicable funding rule. |
Funding Rate Indirect | The amount of funding for the indirect costs of the budget entry as a percentage based on the applicable funding rule. |
Funding Rule Name | The name of the relevant funding rule, e.g. IA 70%, Default Funding 50%; the applicable funding rule depends on the budget’s activity type, participant type, and cost category; specified in Customization > Settings > Funding Rules. |
Indirect Cost Rate | The applied rate for calculating the indirect costs, based on the relevant indirect costs rate specified in the budget’s participant’s financial profile. |
Indirect Cost Rate % | The percent of the applicable indirect cost rate; based on the applicable indirect costs rate. |
Indirect Costs | The calculated indirect costs of the budget entry in the selected currency, based on the applicable indirect costs rate. |
Last Update | The date the budget entry was last edited or modified. |
Modified By | The name of the user who was the last to edit the budget entry. |
Participant | The short name of the participant assigned to the budget entry. |
Participant Name | The full name of the participant assigned to the budget entry. |
Path | The breakdown of the hierarchy of the activity or event linked to the budget entry. |
Personnel Cost Rate | Name of personnel cost rate applied; only for budget entries of the cost class personnel costs. |
Personnel Cost Rate (PD) | The rate of personnel costs per person day in the selected currency, only for budget entries of the cost class personnel costs. |
Personnel Cost Rate (PH) | The rate of the personnel costs per person hour in the selected currency, only for budget entries of the cost class personnel costs. |
Personnel Cost Rate (PM) | The rate of the personnel costs per person month in the selected currency, only for budget entries of the cost class personnel costs. |
Resource (PD) | The amount of resources in person days, only for budget entries of the cost class personnel costs. |
Resource (PH) | The amount of resources in person hours, only for budget entries of the cost class personnel costs. |
Resource (PM) | The amount of resources in person months, only for budget entries of the cost class personnel costs. |
Start | Start of the time range in which the budget entry is planned. |
Tags | Classifications of the budget entries for the purpose of sorting, grouping, and editing. |
Resources > Expenses – Table view
Activity |
The activity ID the expense is reported for, e.g. WP 2. |
Activity Name | The name of the activity, the expense is reported for, e.g. Roadmapping Process. |
Activity Type | Describes the category of the activity the expense is reported for, e.g. RIA, RTD, COOR, etc. |
Cost Category | The category the cost is related to, e.g. Personnel, Other, Subcon. |
Cost Class | The type of cost, e.g. Personnel Costs, Other Direct Costs, Sub-contracting. |
Costs | The total costs (direct + indirect costs) for the expense in the selected currency. |
Date | The date or time period in which the expense occurs. |
Description | Description of the expense. |
Direct Costs | The direct costs of the expense in the selected currency. |
End Date | The end of the time range for which the expense incurred. |
Exclude Funding |
Indicates if the expense is eligible for funding and the relevant funding is calculated for the expense; derived from the applicable funding rule. |
Exclude Indirect | Indicates whether Indirect Cost is calculated for the expense. |
Funding | The calculated amount of funding for the expense in the selected currency; derived from the applicable funding rule. |
Funding Rate Direct | The calculated amount of funding for the direct costs of the expense as a percentage; based on the applicable funding rule. |
Funding Rate Indirect | The amount of funding for the indirect costs of the expense as a percentage based on the applicable funding rule. |
Funding Rule Name | The name of the relevant funding rule, e.g. IA 70%, Default Funding 50%; the applicable funding rule depends on the expense’s activity type, participant type, and cost category; specified in Customisation > Settings > Funding Rules |
Indirect Cost Rate | The applied rate for calculating the indirect costs, based on the relevant indirect costs rate specified in the expenses’ participant’s financial profile. |
Indirect Cost Rate % | The percent of the applicable indirect cost rate; based on the applicable indirect costs rate. |
Indirect Costs | The calculated indirect costs of the expense in the selected currency, based on the applicable indirect costs rate. |
Last Update | The date the expense was last edited or modified. |
Modified By | The name of the user who was the last to edit the expense. |
Participant | The short name of the participant assigned to the expense. |
Participant Name | The full name of the participant assigned to the expense. |
Personnel Cost Rate | Name of personnel cost rate applied; only for expense of the cost class personnel costs. |
Personnel Cost Rate (PD) | The rate of personnel costs per person days in the selected currency, only for expense entries of the cost class personnel costs. |
Personnel Cost Rate (PH) | The rate of the personnel costs per person hours in the selected currency, only for expense of the cost class personnel costs. |
Personnel Cost Rate (PM) | The rate of the personnel costs per person months in the selected currency, only for expense of the cost class personnel costs. |
Report | Reporting period for which the expense is reported; applicable if a reporting period is set for the expense instead of a date. |
Resource (PD) | The amount of resources in person days, only for expense of the cost class personnel costs. |
Resource (PH) | The amount of resources in person hours, only for expense of the cost class personnel costs. |
Resource (PM) | The amount of resources in person months, only for expense of the cost class personnel costs. |
Tags | Classifications of the expense for the purpose of sorting, grouping, and editing. |