Working with the Table View

The Table View 

The Table View is a spreadsheet-like display of your projects with their hierarchical lists of activities, events, resources, participants, and all other properties accessible in the "Workplan", "Participants", and "Resources" sections. This view starts as an empty table and populates as you add data to your projects.

Similar to a spreadsheet, data here can be managed using header filters, customisable columns, and collapsible rows of hierarchical data.

Hierarchical data

The hierarchical data is indicated by an orange or blue triangle to the left of the listing in the ID column. Click on the blue triangle to display the sub-level data, or on the orange one to collapse this list. 

Fixed columns: Unique identifier and ID

The leftmost column displays the unique identifier number provided by the system for each item. This number will be the same even when viewed from different screens. 

The ID column shows IDs as defined in Settings > Customisation > ID Settings and allows you to fold or unfold branches for hiding/displaying sub-levels with the blue/orange triangle. 

Tip: In the "Workplan" section of the Table View a colour-coded bar to the right of the ID column shows the type of activity. The activity type and colour can be customised in Settings > Customisation > ID Settings

Fixed columns, such as the unique identifier and ID columns, are the only columns that can’t be changed and will remain in place as you navigate across the table.   

The leftmost column showing the unique identifier number is also used for bulk editing by hovering over the unique identifier number, then clicking in the boxes of data you wish to edit, or by clicking on the box at the top of the column to select all items. 

Customisable columns

Unfixed columns can be added, removed, and reordered as needed. Click Table Settings at the top left to open a sidebar for the table settings.

In the sidebar, drag and drop the columns you wish to view or hide between Selected (currently displayed) and Available Columns (currently not displayed), then drag these options up or down to change their display order. 

Fixed columns are marked with a lock symbol and cannot be removed or reordered. You can see all the column options available here.

Sorting, searching, and adding filters


Click the blue heading of the column to sort the table as ascending or descending according to the data in that column. 

Column search and filters

A search bar and dropdown menus can be found under the blue heading. Columns with the dropdown filter menus offer the option to select multiple items. Multiple searches in various columns can be used to narrow down the search results. To clear the dropdown filter you can unclick individual items or "clear selection" at the bottom of the dropdown menu. Click the "Clear filter" icon at last column to clear all search filters.

Other filters (smart filters)

Adding Filter offers further filter options, like Smart Filters. Smart Filters are preset filters such as "Overdue" and "From - To" that can help you narrow down the results.

Editing items and action menu

Click on an item or the "Edit" icon at the right to pull up the sidebar for the item to edit it. Items that are unavailable for editing are shown with a lock symbol (these are items that are locked) or an eye symbol (these are items to which you have Read access rights only).

Lookup budget/expense items

Easily identify the budget or expense items behind a value in detail, by using the lookup icon to find the cost entries that leads up to the total value shown. This option is available in the "Workplan", "Participant", and "Analytics" sections. Hover over a value and click the "Magnifier" icon, a tab to Resources with all relevant entries will be opened.

Totals and sums

At the bottom of the table are totals for the rows currently displayed. These totals will automatically update  when you apply or remove filters. Numerical row items at the top of the hierarchy show the sum of their sub-items, indicated with the symbol ∑. The sum feature can be turned on or off by clicking Table Settings > Other settings and toggling accumulate totals on or off.  

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