Move documents, EMDocs, or folders

When you move documents, EMDocs, or folders, you change the location (folder) where they are stored within your document structure.

Note: To move documents, EMDocs, or folders, you need at least Manage access rights to the "Documents" section and the folder containing the items (see "Roles, access levels, and access rights").

Follow the instructions below on how to move documents, EMDocs, or folders.


Click Documents in Home menu, this will open the "Documents" section.


To move a document, EMDoc, or folder, simply drag and drop it with your mouse cursor into the relevant folder.

Tip: To move several documents, EMDocs, or folders at once, check the boxes at each file and then drag and drop them all to the appropriate folder:

To move a document, EMDoc, or folder to a folder at a higher level, drag them to the folder in the folder path.

You can also move a document, EMDoc, or folder using a sidebar.


Click Documents in Home menu, this will open the "Documents" section.


Hover over the document you want to edit and choose Properties from the dropdown list, this will open a sidebar.


In the sidebar, click the "Move to" icon in the path indicator at the top of the sidebar and select "Home" or the desired parent folder.


Click Save Document / Save Folder at the bottom of the sidebar.

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