Update About You information

Add information about yourself so that other members involved in the same workspaces know who you are and can contact you. 

"About You" information is located on the "User Settings" page and contains your avatar, name, skills, and any other information you might like to share.

Follow the instructions below on how to update "About You" information.


Click on your user avatar at the top right and then click Profile, this will open the "User Settings" page.


In the "About You" section hover over the checkbox with your name and click Edit icon, this will open a sidebar.


In the sidebar you can set following information: 

  • Avatar: Upload a profile photo
  • Name: Click the placeholder at the top and enter your name and surname
  • Title / Salutation: Add your title/salutation
  • About me: Provide any information about you, you might like to share
  • Skills: Create a tag cloud of things you are good at


To save the information, click Save Profile at the bottom of the sidebar.

Note: Read more about user settings.
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